A bit about Arthritis

Today’s post is about Arthritis.

Arthritis is actually an umbrella term for more than 100 conditions that effect the joints of the body. The most common forms are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and gout. Many people will suffer from one or more types of arthritis in their lifetime.

So, in this post we will look at what it is, what causes it and what to do about it for prevention and reduction of symptoms.

What is arthritis really?

It is generally regarded as tenderness or swelling of one or more joints causing pain. It generally manifests as pain or swelling in a joint with redness and swelling as well as stiffness and reduced movement.

This is often due to the surface of the cartilage being damaged and then this causes calcium phosphate crystals to become deposited in the joint. However, as there are so many different types this is only a generalisation.

So, what causes it?

The short answer is no one really knows definitively what the cause is and this is likely due to the fact that there are so many inflammation conditions that are called arthritis. There are also so many ways for inflammation to happen. A common factor is obesity due to the increased pressure on the joints, another factor can be family history as well as repetitive actions that wear out a joint.

What can we do to prevent it?

An easy start can be a simple as diet. Avoiding saturated fats like fried foods and palm oil are prime culprits for causing inflammation. This will have the added benefit of reducing weight which will in turn benefit the reduction of symptoms.

Ensuring you are getting enough calcium in your diet is important for bone growth and regeneration but keep in mind that without vitamin D the calcium will not be metabolised from the food as well. Regular exercise will help in keeping muscles strong to support the joints.

Managing the pain.

While there are many easily accessible analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs aimed at reducing the pain there is always a better way. The most important thing to remember is to remove the obstacles to proper joint health, this means removing inflammatory foods and excess weight for a start.

Next is to support joint healing through proper nutrition and gentle physical movement or acupuncture to improve circulation. There are several herbal and mineral treatments that are very effective at reducing joint pain in many cases. For example, Boswellia serrata is a plant that is particularly good at reducing the pain of arthritis. Also Omege-3 supplements work well by reducing inflammation.

As a naturopath I also recommend the use of a “tens” machine to improve blood flow to a specific area. This helps to reduce inflammation and remove any calcium phosphate crystals that may have formed.

If you find you are suffering from sore joints, arrange an appointment with your chosen health professional. It may take several visits before they can tell what type of arthritis you have. This is because some types of arthritis can be hard to diagnose and may need further testing or examination. They may examine the affected joints and send you for some tests or x-rays. Most forms of arthritis can be diagnosed through blood tests.

We hope you have found this information helpful.


Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper


Today’s post is about electrolytes. What exactly are they and why are they important?

We have all been there, you’re either sick or fatigued due to exertion, and someone says ‘have you had one of those electrolyte drinks?’. As with most people. I have often wondered about what is actually in an electrolyte drink.

So, what is an electrolyte?

Wikipedia states – an electrolyte is a medium containing ions, that is electrically conducting through the movement of those ions, but not conducting electrons. This includes most soluble salts, acids, and bases dissolved in a polar solvent, such as water.

In clinical medicine, the term of electrolytes usually refers to the ions, and to their concentrations in blood, serum, urine, or other fluids.

This is still a bit confusing, so I looked for a simpler definition.

Medical News states – Electrolytes are chemicals that conduct electricity when dissolved in water.

In nutrition, the term refers to essential minerals in your blood, sweat, and urine.

Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate in a liquid form are examples of electrolytes.

How does the body use electrolytes?

Everyone needs electrolytes to survive. Many automatic processes in the body rely on a small electric current to function, and electrolytes provide this charge.

They interact with each other and the cells in the tissues, nerves, and muscles. They regulate nerve and muscle function, hydrate the body, balance blood acidity and pressure, and help rebuild damaged tissue. A balance of different electrolytes is crucial for the body to function.

The measurement of electrolytes can actually help clinicians in the diagnosis of a medical condition. These measurements can also determine the effectiveness of treatment and the potential side effect of medications.

It is possible for the levels of electrolytes in the blood too become too high or too low, leading to an imbalance. These levels can change in relation to water levels in the body, as well as other factors.

Important electrolytes, including sodium and potassium, are lost in sweat during exercise. A rapid loss of fluids, such as after a bout of vomiting or diarrhoea, can also affect the concentration. In these types of situations, the balance of electrolytes in the body needs to be restored.

How do we get our electrolytes?

Sustaining a healthy electrolyte level is usually attributed to eating a balanced diet. With that in mind, there are several foods that contain many of the essentials.

Below are some foods that provide electrolytes-

Pickled foods, cheese and table salt: contain Sodium.

Table salt: contains Chloride

Fruits and vegetables like bananas, avocado and sweet potato all contain Potassium.

Seeds and nuts have magnesium and

Dairy products, fortified dairy alternatives and green leafy vegetables give us Calcium.

Some people use drinks or supplements to ensure they get enough.

However, a balanced diet that includes many of the above-mentioned foods, should be enough for most.

Your body can typically regulate electrolytes efficiently and keep them at the right levels. An imbalance may occur if you’re dehydrated due to illness, excess heat or excessive exercise.

 If you suspect you suffer from an electrolyte imbalance, speak with your chosen health professional.

Oh, and to answer ‘what is usually in an electrolyte drink?’

It depends on the brand; however, the most common ingredients are water, the electrolytes (usually sodium and potassium) and sugar.


We hope you have found this information interesting.

 Till the next post,

 Live Clean n Prosper

Sources – WikipediaHealthlineNational Library of MedicineMedical News Today

Fibre and Fibre Supplements

Today’s post is about fibre and fibre supplements.

Continuing on from our last post on stomach acid, today we will take a look at fibre.

What is fibre?

There are actually two forms that we can consume – soluble and insoluble.

Basically, one forms a gel like substance when mixed with water (soluble), chia seeds are an example of this. This soluble fibre helps to reduce cholesterol and fat absorption and improving glucose control, it also helps us to feel fuller helping with weight loss.

Insoluble fibre stays pretty much as it is eaten, all the way through the digestive process, an example of this is psyllium husk. This type provides bulk to the stool as well as helping to clean out the digestive system. It does this by acting as a sort of broom inside the digestive tract sweeping away things that are trying to cling to the sides.

Both types of fibre are an important part of a healthy diet and especially for digestion.

The two forms of fibre perform many tasks that are necessary to our overall health. They provide the balance between constipation and diarrhoea, they provide a food source for important bacteria in the digestive tract and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and some intestinal cancers. Fibre also slows the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream which keeps the blood glucose levels from rising too fast.

What about a fibre supplement?

Studies have found that only 5% of adults consume the recommended level of dietary fibre. So, for many, taking supplements can be a convenient way to improve part of their diet. There are easily available products like Metamucil or Benefiber that can help. However, these products don’t offer the same nutritional benefits of getting the fibre from food sources.

What about long-term use?

Is a supplement sustainable in the long term raises the question of why you are taking a fibre supplement in the first place.

As a Naturopath I feel that the reasons for continued use of a fibre supplement should be explored. There may be other issues to consider and if they are not addressed then more health concerns could occur. Therefore, it is more important to ascertain what that underlying problem may be.

It could quite simply be that there are gaps in the diet not providing enough of the right type of fibre. In this case the simple answer is small changes to your diet to include more. This means including things like fruits, beans, whole grains and vegetables into your diet in greater amounts and preferably unprocessed.

Of course, it is possible to get too much of a good thing and fibre is no exception. Too much fibre can lead to bloating and excessive gas and no-one wants that. As with all things, there is a balancing act going on inside the body at all times.

So, if you think you have an issue with too much or too little fibre then see your health professional.

Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper

Sources – National Library of Medicine