Last post for 2021

Today’s post will be the last for 2021.

Thank you for your continued support and reading our blog.

This past year has been another challenging one for most. COVID has made a big impact on this country and the world. Nothing will be the same as it was.

Hopefully we will continue to learn from this situation and develop better strategies for dealing with these types of events.

Through research for posts during this past year, we have learned more information about Mood Disorders and the Gut, Blood pressure, Body odour and the Gall bladder.

I have shared some delicious recipes that we hope you have also enjoyed making and eating. Recipes like the Slow Cooked Beef Rendang Curry, the decadent Coconut Chocolate Bars and the yummy Sesame Cookies.

With more people staying home and cooking more, I will continue to seek out and share yummy, healthy recipes.

At this time of year we hope you are able to enjoy some time with those people you care about. Find some time to enjoy the little moments, because as time goes by, you realise they were the big moments worth remembering.

Merry Christmas

Till 2022,

Live clean n Prosper.