Last post for 2023

Hello and welcome to the last post for the year 2023.

Gosh this year has gone by so fast and we are heading full speed into the next one.

I am sure we all find ourselves in the same situation heading into a new year. Contemplating our achievements, wins and losses of the past year and considering goals for the next.


For us, Scott completed his Bachelor’s degree in Naturopathy and Health Science. We have registered as a business – Live Clean n Prosper Health Services and Scott has started to see clients.

We have all learned a bit more about health conditions like – hangovers, muscle soreness, stomach acid, arthritis and the vagus nerve.

I have shared recipes for Lemon coconut cheesecake balls, Osso buco and Vegetarian Lasagne, which I hope you have tried to make at least 1 of.

To do …

Unfortunately, we haven’t yet updated this blog to a fully integrated business website. That hopefully will be achieved in 2024.

Scott is returning to study, this time to complete a Nutrition degree, so that will be a challenge, but will mean he can help more people.


We hope you have all had a Merry Christmas and we wish you all the best for the coming year. We hope to continue sharing knowledge and recipes, as well as help people with their health concerns.

Till the next post (next year),

Live Clean n Prosper