Atmospheric Ions and Health

Todays post is about the affect of atmospheric ions on our health.

Recently Scott and I were discussing the benefits of spending time outdoors, in a relaxed environment. As with most people, we have found that just spending time at the park or at the beach improves our mood and sometimes our health.

This prompted me to consider if there was any documented science to support this theory.

So, I did a bit of research and am sharing what I found.

I found several scientific studies and articles discussing the relationship between the atmosphere and its influence on health and mood. I am not taking about the attitudes of others around us eitherthough this can play a part.

First, what are Atmospheric Ions?

Science has found that the atmosphere we breathe normally is full of positive and negative ions. Air ions are invisible, electrically charged molecules or atoms in the atmosphere. Some particles are positively charged and some are negatively charged.

Negative air ions (NAIs) were actually discovered more than 100 years ago.

These ions are also present in our bodies, the positive and the negative ones.

NAI’s are abundant in nature. In fact, you will find the highest concentrations of negative ions around waterfalls, on the ocean, at the beach and after a storm. They are widespread in mountains and forests.

In polluted cities, crowded areas and in confined spaces such as offices, industrial areas, schools and cars, you will find the highest concentration of positive ions. These “Concrete Jungles” minimise the natural production of negative ions by disrupting the delicate electrical balance between the atmosphere and the earth.

Positive ions have been found to have a disruptive influence on our health. Headaches, sleepiness, low attention spans and a general sense of feeling unwell are just some of the side effects of spending too long indoors.

Atmospheric ions and health

Once they reach our bloodstream, ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions. Research has found that negative ions contribute to overall well-being and health.

High concentrations of negative air ions are essential for high energy and positive mood. This is why fresh air and sunshine have an invigorating effect. Alternatively, being closed in with little light corresponds with depressed feelings.

Scientists are now working with manufacturers to develop NAI generation systems. Systems that can be used to freshen indoor air and in addition to enriching oxygen content in homes, schools, hospitals, airports, and other indoor areas.

Health benefits of NAI’s include:

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Increased concentration and productivity
  • Improved psychological health
  • Revitalised cell metabolism.
  • Enhanced immune function.
  • Purify the blood.
  • and finally they balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion.

There was so much more information available, but it is too confusing to share.

Basically, this explains why we feel so much better after spending some relaxing time outdoors, in the fresh air.

So, we are not imagining it. It’s important to schedule a date with nature to upload on negative ions.

Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper

Sources: Study Resource – National Library of Medicine – The Owner’s Manual for the Brain, Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research –

Is Quinoa really good for us?

Today’s topic is Quinoa.

Over the past couple of years we have included this food into our diet. It is another one of the so-called ‘super foods’ that have become popular with foodies. We were aware that it was meant to be better for us than rice, however it was only recently that I looked into how and why. (Sources – Wikipedia, Grains & Legumes Nutritional Council of Aust. )

So what is Quinoa?

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) originates from the Andes and is a staple food of the indigenous people there, the Quechua. It was domesticated 3,000 to 4,000 years ago for human consumption in the Lake Titicaca basin of Peru and Bolivia. Archaeological evidence shows livestock uses 5,200 to 7,000 years ago.

The ancient Incas called quinoa the “mother grain” and revered it as sacred. However, technically, quinoa isn’t a grain at all, but the seed of the Goosefoot plant. The goosefoot plant is not a grass, but rather plant botanically related to spinach and amaranth. It’s considered a ‘pseudo-cereal’. Loosely grouped with other grains due to being similar nutritionally and used in ways similar to ‘true’ grains.

To help ward off insects and birds, quinoa has a bitter residue of saponins, a natural occurring plant-defence. This makes it easier for farmers to grow the food organically. After harvest, the seeds are processed to remove the bitter-tasting outer seed coating.

It is still a good idea to thoroughly rinse the seeds under running water prior to cooking.

 Is Quinoa a ‘Super food’?

Quinoa is gluten free and provides protein, dietary fibre, B vitamins, and dietary minerals in rich amounts, above those of wheat, corn, rice, or oats.

It is considered to be a complete protein due to the presence of all eight essential amino acids needed for tissue development in humans. Our bodies don’t make all of these amino acids all by themselves, so we rely on our diets to supply them. Usually, only animal products like meat and eggs are able to provide all at once.

In regards to protein, Quinoa has twice the amount compared to other grains like barley, wheat, and rice.

It is a low G.I. carbohydrate, relatively low in fat, most of which is omega-6 polyunsaturated fat and is high in dietary fibre. One cup of cooked quinoa contains 40 fewer calories than the same amount of white rice, but the real benefit is in the carbohydrates. White rice contains almost 15 times the amount of carbohydrates than quinoa. Quinoa also provides more grams of fibre.

Quinoa is high in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, which make it potentially beneficial for human health in the prevention and treatment of disease. It is definitely is good for us, I will leave you to decide if it’s ‘super’.

It is available in different forms
  • Quinoa grain/seed – cooks in around 15 minutes and when cooked, reveals a small white tail (the germ of the kernel). Great as a light, fluffy side dish served instead of rice. It can also be added to soups, salads and baked goods.
  • Quinoa flour –  has a tasty, nutty flavour and is often used in gluten free baking. This flour can also be used as a thickener in sauces, soups and other dishes, especially in cases where additional protein may be beneficial.
  • Quinoa flakes – are simply steam-rolled to create a quick cooking flake. The flakes can be used for a hot breakfast similar to porridge, added to pancakes, waffles or smoothies. Use them as a coating instead of breadcrumbs, or they may be used as an alternative to rolled oats in muffins or cookies.

Quinoa flakes are also great for thickening sauces, curries or casseroles. I actually add the flakes to my yoghurt at breakfast, increasing the fibre and protein content. They seem to disappear into the yoghurt and are virtually tasteless.

I hope that this information answers any questions you may also have had about this particular food. If you haven’t tried quinoa, give it a go, you may find you really enjoy it.

Till the next post,

Live clean n prosper.

Cauliflower, is it a ‘Super food’?

Todays’ post is about Cauliflower. I found out this week that cauliflower aids the body’s detoxification system. This was new information for me.

So I’ve decided to learn a bit more about this vegetable and share the results.

Cauliflower is a member of the Brassica family, better known as cruciferous vegetables. It contains fiber that helps with the feeling of satiety, weight loss and a healthy digestive tract. It is is not only low in calories but also packed with vitamins and minerals.

May be a ‘Super food’

It seems every week experts are calling a food ‘super food’.  To be given this label the food needs to be ‘nutrient rich and considered especially beneficial for health and wellbeing’.

Well, this versatile vegetable also contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that can protect against cancer, choline that is important for learning and memory, and many other important nutrients.

Raw cauliflower is rich in the antioxidant vitamin C, which is required for tissue growth and tissue repair in all parts of the body.

It is also necessary for the formation of the important protein collagen, which is used to make skin, tendons, ligaments, scar tissue, and blood vessels.

Cauliflower contains decent amounts of vitamin K, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Studies also suggest that vitamin K aids in preventing bone loss in both men and women and that it might also decrease the risk of heart disease.

Regular consumption of cauliflower assists healthy blood circulation and aids in maintaining blood vessels, which is attributed to the presence of sulforaphane.

Aids in ‘detoxification’.

Cauliflower also contains a phytonutrient that together with sulforaphane, helps activate and regulate the function of detoxifying enzymes.

These nutrients are important for Phase I detoxification along with sulfur-containing nutrients essential for Phase II detox activities.

Other compounds found in cauliflower are very important for helping the body detox due to their function to support the liver.

These compounds stimulate what are known as ‘Phase II enzymes’, the natural antioxidant system of our body. They help trigger the liver to produce detoxifying enzymes that block free radical damage. At the same time, sulforaphane stimulates detoxification and digestion by preventing bacterial overgrowth occurring in the gut.

Sources; and

Minimal cooking

Cooking is harmful to the nutritional content of cauliflower. Cooking for thirty or more minutes reduces health benefits by 75%. So the lesson here is to steam your cauliflower so it’s just tender, or eat it raw.

There was so much more information available on the health benefits of cauliflower. Who would have thought that this humble and unpopular vegetable could contain so many health-promoting nutrients?

It seems that incorporating cauliflower into our daily diet would be a smart strategy to protect against many health conditions.


Till the next post,


Live Clean n Prosper