The body’s defense system and allergies

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Today I thought I would write about the body’s defense system and how it reacts to toxins and allergies.

Scott and I try to eat unprocessed, real foods as much as possible. However, there are times when we are out and have a meal that is not ideal and this is normal in every day life. Moderation is the key.

The issue that I have, is that occasionally after eating some things, I end up with a runny nose for the next hour. Sometimes I wake up with sinus congestion.

Quite some years ago, I always had a runny nose. I would always be carrying tissues with me. I thought it was a hereditary thing, as my grandmother was the same. It was only after going on a low carb diet for a while, that I noticed the runny nose seemed to go away.

I did a bit of research into this and found out that this issue has a name ‘gustatory rhinorrhea’. It was also a relief to find out that this condition is not unusual.


So, what is ‘gustatory rhinorrhea’?


Quite simply it is a ‘runny nose while eating’. The most common explanations for this is a food allergy, the temperature of the foods or hay fever.  A common symptom of a food allergy is sinus complications. According to, if you have a food allergy, you can develop nasal congestion, a runny nose and excessive sneezing. The most common food allergies are to fish, nuts, peanuts, soy, wheat, eggs and milk. The runny nose is the result of irritation and inflammation in the sinus cavity from increased levels of histamine.

When you eat something you’re allergic to, your immune system malfunctions and fails to recognize the proteins in the food as safe. The body goes into defense mode, producing antibodies and histamine. These two agents are intended to protect the body from viruses, bacteria and infection. Too much histamine in the sinus cavity leads to a runny nose.


This leads to another part in the body’s’ defense mechanism, mucous.


The fluid around all your cells is called lymph fluid. It moves waste products through various lymph channels and nodes. Your lymph is more active at night while it orchestrates housecleaning.

When your lymph is clogged your body looks for alternative ways to get rid of trash. Plan B is making mucous out of it. Lots of mucous in the morning is a sure sign of a problem. Regular drainage during the day or after eating a meal, are other signs of trouble.

This is why when we contract a virus, like a cold or flu, we suffer primarily from a runny nose. The body is doing its utmost to get rid of the trash, by creating mucous.

Personally, through the process of elimination, I have found that usually most processed wheat products trigger this immune response. This was 1 of the contributing factors to change our way of eating.

I continue to find it fascinating, how our bodies heal themselves.


Till next time,


Live clean n prosper
