Is Change as good as a Holiday?

Todays post is about Change or Holidays, a continuation on the topic of mental health.

We have all heard or used the saying ‘ a change is as good as a holiday’, or as Winston Churchill said, ‘a change is as good as a rest’.

Well is it? I decided to do some research and see if there is any scientific basis for this theory.

It turns out that a couple of studies have been conducted and a few scientific papers have been written on the subject.

So I have put together some of the facts for you.

First there is stress

Now stress is actually a process, not a diagnosis. We all experience stress when there is an imbalance between the demands being made on us and whether we are able to cope with those demands.

The level and extent of stress a person may feel depends a lot on their attitude to a particular situation. An event that may be extremely stressful for one person can be a mere hiccup for another person.

Stress is not always a bad thing. Some people thrive on stress and even need it to get things done. When the term ‘stress’ is used in a clinical sense, it refers to a situation that causes discomfort and distress for a person and can lead to other mental health problems,

Generally, continuing stress in the work place has a detrimental effect on people’s health. It is well recognised that sufficient recovery is necessary to counteract negative stress reactions.

Is a holiday the answer?

One study concluded that a holiday for at least seven consecutive days provided an efficient recovery strategy. Another study conducted in 2017, supports this theory. The results indicated that one single short-term holiday, has a large, positive and immediate effect on perceived stress, recovery, strain, and well-being. Interestingly, escaping daily routines and the usual environment do not seem to be crucial for recovery.

For the study participants, the effects were still detected at 30 days (recovery) and 45 days (wellbeing and stress) post-holiday.

Or is change the answer?

Research conducted by New York University; found that daily variability in physical location, along with new and diverse experiences is linked to enhanced happiness. The results suggest that people feel happier when they experience variety in their daily routines.

However simple the change, there’s a neurological reason why variety makes us happy.

Two parts of our brain, essential for mood, are stimulated by change.

The hippocampus, which is a part of the brain that is involved in forming new memories, emotions and learning, is also sensitive to the novelty of new environments.

Another part of the brain, called the striatum, helps us to evaluate our environment and processes reward.

The activity in these areas of the brain tends to be more synchronised in people who explore new things daily. This has a stronger influence on their mood.

Something as simple as introducing a little bit of variety into our day may be enough to increase our sense of well being.

So, it seems that a far as our physical reaction to stress is concerned, science does support the adage that a change is as good as a holiday. Either option has the ability to improve our mental health.

I hope you found this information interesting.

Till the next post,


Live clean n prosper.

(Sources – National Library of MedicineNew York University publications– CNBC Make It – )

A bit about Depression

Todays post, courtesy of Scott, is about Depression.

September 8 was R U OK day; a day organised to create awareness about mental health issues. So with that in mind, we have decided to share this short overview about depression.

Depression is among the most common of all mental health conditions, and impacts many Australians every day. While we all get sad, feel low or lacking in energy at times, people with depression experience these feelings more intensely and for longer.

What is Depression?

The Webster dictionary states that depression is defined a state of feeling sad: low spirits: or melancholy. More specifically it is a mood disorder that is marked by varying degrees of sadness, despair, and loneliness.

It is typically accompanied by inactivity, loss of concentration, feelings of guilt, social withdrawal, sleep disturbances, and sometimes there may be suicidal tendencies. But in reality it is far more complicated than that. It affects how you feel, think and behave, and there are physical symptoms as well.

Experts have been arguing for years over what causes depression and still there is no consensus.

So, what have I learnt from study, observation and experience?

All of our thoughts and emotions are the culmination of an incredible array of interactions of neurotransmitters. Things like serotonin, dopamine and nor epinephrine just to name a few. All of these chemicals are affected by another multitude of things like our vitamin and mineral intake, genetics, epigenetics and our environment.

This means that the food we eat and the drugs/medications we take can have a measurable physiological effect on our mood. Recently scientists are discovering more about the brain-gut connection and our moods.

Genetics and epigenetics means that our biological family and even where we live can also have an effect on our mood.

What simple things can we do?

The good news is that no matter what is going on now or whom your parents were; good mental health is in your hands.

Making time to talk with a mental health professional is a good start, however there are some additional things that can help. With some simple changes to your daily routine, big improvements can be made. This does not mean that things will get easy or that a good diet is a cure all, but it is a start and every little bit helps.

When it comes to nutrition, things can get a little more complicated and a consultation with a naturopath or nutritionist will be beneficial.

Generally the nutrients we need for good mental health include vitamin B6, tryptophan, zinc, iron and folate. What foods can I get these from you ask and what is tryptophan? That is a whole other subject and will be covered in another post.

For now consider making sure your diet is high in green leafy veg, bright coloured fruit and lean meats. Also, don’t forget to drink water; the recommended amount per person is .03 mls per kilo of body weight. It doesn’t sound like much but when you do the sums, you will be surprised at how much you should be drinking.

We hope this information is helpful,

Till the next post,


Live clean n Prosper

Memory loss – Peri-menopause or Ageing?

Todays post is about Memory loss, is it Peri-menopause or Ageing?

Over the last few months, some of my female work colleagues and I have been discussing how occasionally we find ourselves suffering from a lack of concentration, memory loss and feeling a bit ‘scatterbrained’.

This got me thinking. Is this a sign of ageing or is this is another reminder of ‘peri-menopause’? Or maybe both!

About Memory

Webster’s Dictionary defines memory as “the mental capacity or faculty of retaining or recalling facts, events, impressions, or previous experiences”. Therefore memory loss would be fleeting periods when a person loses the mental capacity or faculty of retaining or recalling information.

As we get older, one of the most common changes that we notice is memory change.

Scientists say that the brain begins to lose sharpness of memory and powers of reasoning and understanding not from 60 as previously thought, but from as early as 45.

Their evidence comes from a large study of more than 7,000 civil servants aged between 45 and 70. The 5,000 men and 2,000 women agreed to undergo verbal and written tests on three occasions over a 10-year period for what is called the Whitehall II study.

Knowledge of how memory changes as we get older is a lot more positive than in the past. Memory change with healthy ageing certainly doesn’t interfere with everyday life in a dramatic way.
However, everyone is different and the effect of getting older on memory is different for each person.
Ageing can affect the memory in different ways, such as attention processes, the ability to get new information into storage, the time it takes to recall things, and “on the tip of the tongue” experiences.

Research also suggests that immediate memory and lifetime memory do not change as we get older.

The difficulty of being able to think straight is also a common symptom associated with the onset of peri-menopause.

What causes memory loss during peri-menopause?

In the case of memory lapses, oestrogen plays a special key role. It has a large effect on the functions of the brain and influences language skills, mood, attention, and a number of other functions, including memory. Oestrogen is directly linked to verbal word fluency (the ability to remember names and words). It’s no wonder then that as a woman’s oestrogen levels begin to drop, her memory may suffer.

Many women start to experience peri-menopausal symptoms from the age of 45 onwards.

Add to that now that our memory is affected by ageing from the age of 45 onwards, ageing women have a lot to deal with.

All is not lost, as there are some things we can do to exercise our brain and improve our brain ‘fitness’.

  • Avoid harmful substances and eat a well balanced diet. Excessive drinking and drug abuse damages brain cells.
  • Challenge the brain by reading widely, keeping mentally active, and learning new skills. These pursuits strengthen the brain connections and promote new ones.
  • Make sure we get regular and adequate sleep.
  • Use a notepad and carry a calendar. This may not keep your memory sharp, but does compensate for any memory lapses.
  • Organise some of those personal belongings. Use a special place for necessary items, such as car keys and glasses.


All of this science is great and helps me to understand that it’s not ‘just me’, though it does not help my brain cope with the occasional lapses in memory.

However, dairies and calendars have become quite important fixtures in my life lately. This ensures I don’t forget important things. I will also keep up my creative pursuits, quizzes and crossword puzzles for that bit of ‘brain training’.

Till the next post,


Live Clean n Prosper

Sources –