Food for the Mind

  • Todays post is about Food for the Mind.

It seems that a groups of U.S. scientists have been researching nutrition. They found that certain foods are not only good for our body; but also good for our brain.

Finally science is catching up with what naturopaths have been trying to teach us for years. The father of western medicine, Hippocrates, did say ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ way back in 5th century BC. Even back then, Hippocrates recognised the value of eating well and the potential of certain foods for good health.

Good food lowers our risk of ALZHEIMERS!

Scientists have taken our diets in almost a full circle. Along the way they have created ‘food substances’ in laboratories and developed ways of genetically modifying food to ‘improve it’. Over the years, scientists have generally messed around with foods that were okay to start with.

Now research has shown that by eating a diet of vegetable, legumes, fish and poultry can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease among ageing adults by up to 53%.

Just as there is no magic pill to prevent cognitive decline, no single almighty brain food can ensure a sharp brain as you age. Nutritionists emphasise that the most important strategy is to follow a healthy dietary pattern that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Try to get protein from plant sources and fish and choose healthy fats, such as olive oil or canola, rather than saturated fats.

The MIND Diet

The MIND diet was developed by a Dr Morris from Rush University and she stated; ‘in the same way our organs need nutrients the brain is no different. This means that the more a person adheres to the MIND diet, the greater the protection and the healthier they’ll be.’

The MIND diet has ’10 brain-healthy food groups’, which cover a spectrum of nutrients, healthy fats, antioxidants, and proteins that nourish the brain.

*Green leafy vegetables

*Other vegetables







*Olive oil


Research shows that the best brain foods are the same ones that protect your heart and blood vessels.

The 5 brainpower foods

Green, leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, collards, and broccoli are rich in brain-healthy nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene. Research suggests these plant-based foods may help slow cognitive decline.

Fatty fish are abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, healthy unsaturated fats that have been linked to lower blood levels of beta-amyloid—the protein that forms damaging clumps in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Try to eat fish at least twice a week, but choose varieties that are low in mercury, such as salmon, cod and canned light tuna. If you’re not a fan of fish, ask your doctor about taking an omega-3 supplement, or choose omega-3 sources such as flaxseeds, avocados, and walnuts.

Berries, as they contain flavonoids, the natural plant pigments that give berries their brilliant hues. Studies have found that flavonoids also help improve memory.

Tea and coffee might offer more than just a short-term concentration boost. In a 2014 study published in The Journal of Nutrition, participants with higher caffeine consumption scored better on tests of mental function. Caffeine might also help solidify new memories, according to other research.

Nuts are excellent sources of protein and healthy fats, and one type of nut in particular might also improve memory. Walnuts are high in a type of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Diets rich in ALA and other omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to lower blood pressure and cleaner arteries. That’s good for both the heart and brain.

Well, it seems that we are on to a good thing with our desire to ‘live clean’ and eat ‘real, whole foods.’ Science is backing us up.

Other lifestyle choices mentioned to assist with brain health are – reduce stress, be creative, keep learning and

Get moving!

We are also making an effort to get moving and go for a daily walk, as well as monitoring our incidental movement throughout the day. This has been a bit of an eye opener; it’s really surprising some days how little we move.

There are also some mornings when I really don’t feel like going walking, but you know, once I have made the effort and I’m walking down the street, I’m really glad I did. It wakes me up, gives me time to think about my day; what I need to do and what I want to achieve. Of course it gets the metabolism up and running for the day, increasing the heart rate, burning the calories and improving lung capacity.

Till next post,

Live clean ‘n’ prosper.

(Sources – Harvard health PublishingPremier Neurology & Wellness – Mayo Clinic 

Mood Disorders and the Gut

HI, Scott here. While I am on holidays from UNI I have decided to write a post for our blog.

Since my studies are focused on treating anxiety, depression and PTSD what better subject to start with.

None of these conditions are simple or simple to treat. First is to identify which mood disorder followed by identifying the cause.

There are many reasons people suffer from a mood disorder. It may have been triggered by a traumatic experience or a result of poor dietary practices. Trauma does not need to be a specific event. It could be a result of a series of things that have built up to have a cumulative effect. Just as diet doesn’t need to be recent, it could be that a persons diet as a child was lacking which has had long lasting effect the body.

So, what to do about it,

My belief is that a multi-pronged approach is needed. This will mean lifestyle and diet changes with the addition of some specific, medicinal herbs and counselling.

For some it may also mean accepting that things will not be the same as they were before. When we say “I just wish that I could be the way I was when” this may not be possible simply because life changes us every day we live it. Equally, this does not mean that we need to go through life suffering or causing pain to those who love us.

The body is an amazing thing that conventional medicine thinks of as a machine but in my view is so much more than that.

The way the bodies systems work with each other, is like a giant 3D jigsaw that is in constant motion. Its just incredible to think that it is continually changing shape, growing and shedding all the time. This also means that by giving the body what it needs actually helps the body and mind to heal itself.

How does this work?

Primarily, the work is done in the gut or microbiome. This process is truly fascinating and has become my passion.

There are many scientific papers that discuss the importance of the microbiome and its effect on our mood and personality. A 2016 article in “The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry” looks at the influence of the microbiota on the development of PTSD with some interesting results. By looking at how gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters like Serotonin, Dopamine and GABA.

Put simply, what we eat directly affects the structure and function of the brain and, ultimately, our mood. Few people are aware of the connection between nutrition and depression. It is easier to understand the connection between nutritional deficiencies and physical illness.

Depression is more typically thought of as strictly biochemical or emotionally based. However, science has discovered that nutrition can play a key role in the onset as well as severity and duration of depression. There are actually more neurotransmitters produced in the gut than in the brain.

Like an expensive car, the brain functions best when it gets only premium fuel. Eating high-quality foods that contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants nourishes the brain.

Diets high in refined sugars, for example, are harmful to the brain. Multiple studies have found a correlation between a diet high in refined sugars and impaired brain function and a worsening of symptoms of mood disorders.

What does all this mean for people suffering with a mood disorder?

It means when reaching for that soft drink, cheeseburger or deep fried snack. Take a moment to think about your mental health and the effect that your diet may have on it.

Identifying a diet that has a positive effect on mental health is a whole other subject, however, a whole food diet is going to be most beneficial. This means that if you can’t identify what you are eating, chances are it’s not doing you, or your mental health any favours.

Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper

(Sources –
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience –
Harvard Medical School – 
US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health )

The brain, food and our weight.

Today I’m writing about the brain, how it’s affected by food and it’s connection to our weight.

With Scott’s study we have some interesting conversations. Usually about the latest things he has learned. Most recently we were discussing the role of our brain plays in regards to our weight and how it’s affected by food.

I thought I would share what we have learned.

How food affects our brain

Interestingly, of our total energy input, our brain actually uses up to 20% of our body’s energy resources. The different compounds in foods affect the production of hormones in our brain, which in turn, govern our moods.

The micronutrients in fruits & veg, such as antioxidants, help to reduce free radicals in the brain, which destroy brain cells. Essential fatty acids such as omega 3 & 6 are essential for the creation and maintenance of brain cell membrane. Proteins & amino acids affect how we feel and behave. The vitamins B6, B12 & folic acid help prevent brain disease.

Most of the energy comes from processing the carbohydrates we eat, to blood sugar.

The types of carbohydrates we eat have different effects on the levels of blood sugar. There are basically 3 types of carbohydrates, starch, sugar & fibre. The ratio of these in the food affects how the body and brain respond.

Simple carbohydrates has less fibre and are therefore processed quickly. This creates more energy, however it is not sustainable. This results in an energy deficit or slump.

Having a diet that contains a broad selection of foods help keep everything balanced.

So we know that different food affects the brain. What is really interesting is that the brain then regulates how much we eat and use for energy according to our weight.

Is the brain connected to our weight?

Researchers in 1982 theorised that the brain has a ‘body weight set point’. Which means that the brain actually has a say in how we put on, or lose weight.

This is the reason that many people plateau when actively trying to lose weight. It is also why many people put the weight back on after losing it.

The set-point theory suggests that body weight is regulated at a predetermined, or preferred, level by a feedback control mechanism. Information from the body is carried to a central controller in the brain, located in the hypothalamus.

The controller uses the information to modulate food intake or energy expenditure to correct any deviations in body weight from the set-point. (Source –

According to this theory, body fat percentage and body weight are matters of internal controls that are set differently in different people.

There are several different theories on how to re-set the body’s set-point. Some say it can be done through diet, others say constant intense exercise.

I think that this will vary for each individual as much as our internal controls are different.

Either way, I found it quite interesting to learn about this particular ‘brain – body’ connection.

 Till the next post,

Live clean n prosper.