Last post for the year 2020

Today ‘s post is the last one for the year 2020 as it draws to its end.

 2020 has been a year that most people are wishing to be over quickly. Everyone has felt the impact of a year filled with national and global events, directly or indirectly.

So many of these events have been out of our immediate control.

On a national level, Australia has had a year of extremes with bushfires, drought, floods and destructive storms. Then there is the ongoing global problem of COVID 19.

A virus that unfortunately is here to stay; it’s just how we manage it that will make a difference.

 These events have challenged us and I guess the best way forward is to find something we can learn from them.

In regards to the pandemic, we have become more aware of our personal space and hygiene.

Our friends and family have commented that they are more aware of the closeness of others in public spaces. Work colleagues are more vigilant about staying home when unwell. This has actually resulted in much lower cases of the Flu this year.

That is something that can be considered a good outcome from a bad situation.

During this holiday season, we hope you are able to create something good from your own personal situation.

Just small things, like finding some time to rest and relax. Finding a way to connect with those you care about. Try to smile occasionally and do your best to stay healthy and safe.

Merry Christmas

Till 2021,

Live clean n Prosper.