My Apothecary Garden of Herbs & Flowers

Today I’m writing about my apothecary garden, as I’ve just decided to call it.

Recently I appropriated the last section of our vegetable garden. I wanted to grow plants that had nice flowers, as well as being attractive to the bees and butterflies.
The plants being useful herbs, or harvestable in some way, was also a factor.

The term ‘apothecary’ is derived from the Ancient Greek word (apothḗkē), which means “a repository or storehouse”. The term also refers to a medical person who dispenses herbs and medicine. Hence my idea for the term ‘apothecary garden’.

These are the herbs or flowers that I have planted.

Echinacea or Purple Coneflower

These plants have beautiful big purple pink, daisy like, flowers that look great in a vase. Apart from looking nice, these flowers attract bees and butterflies to the garden. The flowers and leaves of the plant can be used to make tea and the petals are edible.

Research has yet to determine what exact compounds in purple coneflower give it its medicinal properties. Animal and test tube studies have shown that the extracts do fight certain viruses and appear to stimulate the immune system to ward off bacterial infection. Laboratory findings have shown that it is also effective in healing superficial wounds. Generally, echinacea is widely used for boosting the immune system.

Borage or Star flower

Borage is actually considered a herb and has clusters of blue star shaped flowers. Again, this plant is a favorite of bees and is also known as a Bee Bush. Both the flowers and the leaves of the plant are edible.
Borage leaves have been used in European herbal medicine since the Middle Ages.
Traditionally, the leaves have been used to treat rheumatism, colds, and bronchitis. Borage seed oil has also been used in combination with fish oil for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and skin disorders.

Bergamot or Beebalm

Bergamot is an ancient herb that belongs to the mint family. Its name was acquired due to the similarity in fragrance to the unrelated Bergamot Orange. Because of it’s flowers, it’s commonly grown as an ornamental plant to attract bees and butterflies to the garden. There are different varieties of this plant and the flowers range from deep red to pink and white.
This is another plant where both the flowers and leaves are edible. Using the leaves and flowers to create a tea similar in taste to Earl Grey.
North American tribes in the eastern United States used the herb to ease the pain of mild abrasions and bee stings by crushing the leaves of the plant and rubbing them on the skin. This is where the common name of ‘Beebalm” originated.

Chamomile or German chamomile

German chamomile is one of several different species in the daisy family that have the common name chamomile. Looking similar to daisies, the flowers have an apple-like fragrance and are attractive to bees and butterflies.

Chamomile is one of the more familiar medicinal herbs, with a high profile in literature and a long history of use. It is commonly used for making the herbal infusion called chamomile tea. As the infusion is purported to have anti-anxiety properties, is widely regarded as a sleep-inducer and has been used medicinally for many ailments. Chamomile is also one of the top ingredients used in hair care products for lightening and brightening blond hair.

As I actually planted seeds for my garden, I now have to water and wait. Hopefully in a couple of months I will have flowers like the ones in the title picture and will be able to share some of our uses for these plants.

Till the next post,
Live clean n Prosper
(Sources –traditionalrootsinstitutesustainablegardeningonlineherbcottagewikipedia)

Homeopathy – an overview

Today’s post is a bit of an Overview of Homeopathy.

I was recently speaking with a Homeopath about how the treatment works. I found the concept quite interesting and thought I would share.

Homeopathy, like most of the natural therapies, works on treating the body as a whole. Working on the premise that if you give the body the right tools, it will heal itself.

The history

In the late 1700’s Samuel Hahnemann developed the central idea of homeopathic medicine. This was the principle of ‘like cures like’ or the ‘law of similars’.

Hahnemann also came to assume that the body was highly sensitive to drugs during illness. He prescribed very small doses of drugs – hence the expression ‘homeopathic doses’ for very small amounts.

Homeopathy spread rapidly through Europe in the early 1800s. The first homeopathic hospital opened in 1832 in Leipzig. In 1835, Hahnemann moved to Paris, where he was a popular practitioner until his death in 1845.

So how is it meant to work?

The basic principle behind homeopathy is “like cures like.” In other words, something that brings on symptoms in a healthy person can, in a very small dose, treat an illness with similar symptoms. This process is meant stimulate the body’s own natural healing response.

Homeopathy works on treating the “whole person”. This means that two people presenting with the same complaint may receive a different medicine based on their individual symptoms and emotional response to the illness.

Homeopathic practitioners repeatedly dilute these ingredients by adding water or alcohol. Homeopaths also believe that the lower the dose, the more powerful the medicine. In fact, many of the remedies no longer contain any traceable molecules of the original substance.

Conditions that are most commonly treated by homeopaths include – coughs, colds, hay-fever and travel sickness.

Does it work?

Homeopathy has had quite a lot of bad press. Numerous doctors and researchers have reported that the practice does not work and is nothing more than a placebo.

As is the case with many alternative or natural healing practices, there are people who have had success with the treatment and those that have not.

Interestingly, while conducting my research, I found out that the ‘like cures like’ principle is also used for vaccinations.

To immunise against viral diseases – such as polio and measles – the vaccine usually incorporates virus particles that have been weakened or killed. With providing immunity against bacterial diseases – such as tuberculosis, diphtheria and cholera – introducing an inactivated portion of the bacteria, or its toxic products, is used. Vaccinations are used to stimulate the body’s immune system to increase antibody formation.

With this in mind, is it such a stretch to consider that homeopathic treatment can work for some individuals?

My personal experience with homeopathy is so far a positive one. I have found the treatment to be effective in managing menopause symptoms.

On that note, do your own research before taking on any kind of treatment and discuss your situation with a reputable health professional.

Till the next post,

Live clean n prosper  

(Sources –,, o