Welcome to Live Clean and Prosper

What do we mean by ‘live clean’ ?

Well, to us, this means eating ‘whole foods’, foods that are as close to their original state as possible. No or very little ‘processed foods’ or foods that are manufactured.

To ‘live clean’ also means choosing personal care products and everyday household products that are free of toxic chemicals or chemicals that can build up in our bodies over time causing an adverse effect on our health.

We do this with the 90% approach, which means we are allowing ourselves a little ‘wiggle room’ for occasional treats and unavoidable exposures to some chemicals. Taking a little time out from the hustle and bustle of a technological lifestyle is also important to us.

Hi I’m Rhonda, creator of Live Clean ‘n’ Prosper.

A few years ago, my husband Scott and I decided to live a cleaner lifestyle, to Live Clean and Prosper. We are just your average couple, we are not ‘vegans’ or ‘vegetarians’ and we don’t follow a ‘paleo’ diet.


Well, we truly believe that if we live clean we can ‘prosper’, prosper in the way of better health, more vitality, less stress and better weight management. Along the way we have attended talks and seminars, read various books, blogs and forums and generally educated ourselves.

As most of us are aware, over the last decades, our lifestyles have changed quite significantly. More jobs have become sedentary with the development of technology and electronic devices. We are not moving as much or getting the same nutrition from our food as our ancestors did. Many of our foods are over processed; our farms are over worked causing many of the minerals and nutrients in the soil to be depleted. There is also the increasing use of chemicals and pesticides.

There have been various instances over the past couple of years when we have been asked to share what we have learned, or help with a particular health issue, and of course we have been happy to.

When many of us we make a decision to change our lifestyle, we sometimes lose our way or drift from our path and we need to find new direction or motivation.

So, with the beginning of a new year brings new resolve. As a part of this renewed effort I have decided to create this site to share everything we have learned and continue to learn, about health and nutrition, as well as share our story, progress, ideas and recipes.

I hope that by sharing we can encourage others to better their health and keep on track.

I invite you to comment, ask questions, and share ideas or photos as you join us on this journey.

Till the next post,

Live clean n prosper!

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