End of a Degree

We are going to be taking a break from writing for this blog for a month or so, to celebrate the end of a degree.

For those of you who have been following this blog for a while, you will be aware that Scott has been studying. For the past 6 ½ years he has been completing a Bachelor’s degree in Health Science. Today he completed his last class and in 2 months there will be a graduation ceremony.

To celebrate his achievement, we are taking a break and going on a road trip. A few weeks of fresh air, beaches and national parks.

Scott first undertook this degree as something to keep him occupied on his days off. As he got more involved, he realised that this knowledge would enable him to do something for others.

Helping people overcome mental health issues, particularly first responders, is an area that Scott is very passionate about. As a Naturopath, he is looking forward to being able to help these people in a holistic way.

A new challenge

Over the coming months we will be transforming this blog into a business platform, as well as a place of information. This will become the site for Live Clean n Prosper Health Services.

Thank you all for your support over the years and as we move into a new future, we look forward to meeting some of you and helping many.

 Till the next post,

Live clean n prosper

Welcome to 2022

Welcome to 2022 and the first post for the year.

We hope that all our readers were able to find time to spend with family or friends over the Christmas, New Year period.

Before writing this post, I reviewed last year’s first post where I shared that we had decided to spend more time outdoors, preferably camping.

Well I am pleased to share that we did spend more time camping last year than we have done in previous years. We have already tallied up more mileage on our camper in 1 year than the last one did total.

Our longest trip was for 3 weeks during which we travelled around Queensland, camping in some great places. We went as far north as Palm Cove, then out west to Winton, before heading back to Brisbane. We had a fabulous time, saw some amazing sights and met some really lovely people. We enjoyed the trip so much, that we are planning on doing a very similar trip again this year.

Scott has the end of his degree in sight and with that the development of Live Clean n Prosper Health Services also draws closer.

With the now ever-present challenge of Covid, maintaining good health is even more important.

We will continue to share information related to all things health with the view that it may help some of you with your own health.

Till the next post,

 Live clean n prosper

Last post for 2021

Today’s post will be the last for 2021.

Thank you for your continued support and reading our blog.

This past year has been another challenging one for most. COVID has made a big impact on this country and the world. Nothing will be the same as it was.

Hopefully we will continue to learn from this situation and develop better strategies for dealing with these types of events.

Through research for posts during this past year, we have learned more information about Mood Disorders and the Gut, Blood pressure, Body odour and the Gall bladder.

I have shared some delicious recipes that we hope you have also enjoyed making and eating. Recipes like the Slow Cooked Beef Rendang Curry, the decadent Coconut Chocolate Bars and the yummy Sesame Cookies.

With more people staying home and cooking more, I will continue to seek out and share yummy, healthy recipes.

At this time of year we hope you are able to enjoy some time with those people you care about. Find some time to enjoy the little moments, because as time goes by, you realise they were the big moments worth remembering.

Merry Christmas

Till 2022,

Live clean n Prosper.