We bought a Salt Lamp

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Okay, so following on from last weeks post on Positive and Negative ions.

Many of our homes and workplaces are usually sealed off from the natural benefits of negative ions.

While I was doing my research I found several articles on ‘Ionisers’ for the home. An Ioniser is a device that creates negative ions in an indoor space. In fact, every home has a built in natural ioniser — the shower. With its stream of hot water and steam, is a good producer of negative ions. That’s likely part of why so many people need a shower to wake up in the morning.


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So, we decided to buy a Himalayan Salt Lamp.


Why? you may think/ask.


Well, studies have found that

Himalayan Salt Lamps can also

clean the air in a different way.

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Real Himalayan salt lamps are hand chiselled solid blocks of ancient crystal salts. They usually have a pinkish orange colour, due to the high concentration of minerals.


Inside the hollowed out middle of the salt lamp is a light bulb to generate both light and heat. This is important for their reported benefits and salt lamps won’t work properly without a heat-producing light.


How they work


Water vapour is always circulating in the air of any room of your house. This water vapour carries with it allergens like dust, pollen, smoke particles, and even bacteria and viruses.


Salt is hygroscopic, meaning it attracts water molecules from the surrounding air. The hygroscopic air cleaning effect is the basic science of water vapour attraction and evaporation.

A large block of rock salt, like a Himalayan salt lamp, is especially attractive to water vapour and its pollutants.

The microscopic compounds, once attracted to the salt lamp, remain there and not floating in the air where you can breathe them in.

As the Himalayan salt lamp slowly becomes saturated with the water vapour compounds, the heat from the lamp inside, dries them. This heat also re-releases water vapour back into the air, thus continuing the hygroscopic effect for as long as the light is on.

Importantly, any airborne contaminants attracted to the salt lamp remain trapped there and will not become airborne again.


Salt lamp benefits do include negative ion generation. It appears primarily from the moisture evaporating on the heated rock salt.

Some studies point to the cumulative effect of keeping the salt lamp on at all times. This can slowly generate more and more negative ions and improve the air quality over time. However, as a negative ioniser, salt lamps have a limited range and small output. Instead, it’s best to consider negative ions from salt lamps as an added benefit and position them with their short ionising range in mind.


The other health benefit claims of Himalayan salt lamps are based on plausible science. Salt in the air really does help breathing problems, and negative ions really are linked to better moods.


At worst, we have an interesting night light!


Until the next post,


Live Clean n Prosper
