Circadian Rhythm

Todays post is about circadian rhythm. This is a subject that has recently made its way into mainline media. So we have decided to share what we know and have learned about it.

What is Circadian Rhythm?

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. Basically, it is the bodies’ own internal clock. This biological clock is a natural timing device, regulating the cycle of circadian rhythms.

Nearly every tissue and organ contains biological clocks. They’re composed of specific molecules (proteins) that interact with cells throughout the body. A master clock in the brain coordinates all the biological clocks in the body, keeping the clocks in sync. In humans, the master clock is a group of about 20,000 nerve cells (neurons) that form a structure called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN.

The SCN is in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus and receives direct input from the eyes. It also controls the production of melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy.

What does it do?

Our Circadian rhythm is so much more than an internal clock. It is a control mechanism that influences important bodily functions such as eating habits, digestion, blood pressure, body temperature and hormone release. Most specifically, it controls the hormones that determine our level of alertness or sleepiness.

The rhythm is affected by external stimuli mostly light. Jet lag, shift work and light from electronic devices at night can confuse our biological clocks. These changes can cause sleep disorders, and may lead to other chronic health conditions.

This is why the use of blue screen devices before bed can have a negative impact on sleep. Once our eyes see the blue light, the master clock thinks that it is daytime and releases the appropriate hormones, such as cortisol, for that time of day.

If your circadian rhythm is off it can mean impaired sleep. This is when sleep is not good quality, not long enough or you may not be getting the right type of sleep at the right time. Too much impaired sleep can lead to poor feelings of alertness during the day and a general feeling of needing more sleep because basically you do.

Can you fix your Circadian Rhythm?

Circadian rhythm miss alignment is often treated with anti-psychotics and anti-depressants however, as always there are side effects. There are other ways of correcting your circadian rhythm.

Taking melatonin can be a way of resetting the rhythm of your sleep but not recommended as a long-term plan, as it does not address the underlying issue. From a naturopathic perspective it is preferable to treat the cause. This can include a number of factors; diet, sleep routine, lifestyle and exercise.

Looking at your diet to determine if you are eating the appropriate foods to allow the body to create the neurotransmitters needed to maintain the correct rhythm. Develop a sleep routine reducing screen time at least half an hour before bed.

If you are still are struggling with sleep after making these changes, there are more options. You could visit a sleep clinic or consult with a health professional to undergo testing for circadian rhythm sleep disorder. This involves checking your levels of melatonin, cortisol and your core temperature.

We hope that you have found this information helpful.

 Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper

 Sources – Torrens University of Australia, Science DirectNational Institute of General Medical Sciences

Spiced Pumpkin Muffin recipe

Today I’m going to share a muffin recipe.

This morning I was looking through my recipe collection and writing the week’s menu list when I came across this Spiced Pumpkin Muffin recipe.

Every so often, when I am researching something on line, I come across some interesting recipes. There are many gluten free recipes on the Internet and we have found many are lacking in taste or texture.

I had printed this one out ages ago and forgotten about it. The recipe is easy and I had all the ingredients, so I made a batch.

This recipe made 12 small muffins. They are very light in texture, quite yummy and are gluten free. I think you could make a few variations by swapping out the pumpkin for cooked apple or maybe even mashed banana.

 Spiced Pumpkin Muffins

(makes 12 small muffins)


5 eggs

4 tbsp. melted butter or coconut oil

½ cup mashed butternut pumpkin

½ cup Maple syrup or honey

½ cup dextrose or coconut sugar

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

½ tsp. ground allspice

Pinch sea salt

1 tsp. vanilla extract or paste

½ cup sifted coconut flour

½ tsp. baking powder



Preheat your oven to 200’ C and lightly grease a muffin tin.

– Mix the eggs, butter (or oil), pumpkin, maple syrup, dextrose, cinnamon, allspice, salt and vanilla together in a large mixing bowl. I used a stick blender.

– In a separate bowl, mix the baking powder and coconut flour together then add to the batter. Mix well ensuring there are no lumps and the batter is smooth.

– Ladle the batter into the muffin cups.

– Bake for approximately 18 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.


We ate a couple while they were still a bit warm with a little bit of butter, delicious.

I will definitely be making these again. I hope you enjoy them also.


Till the next post,


Live Clean n Prosper.