First Post for a new year

Happy New Year

A new year and a time for re-evaluation and making plans for the year ahead.

Thank you for joining me for another year of thoughts, research and recipes.

I have decided to make a change this year and post every second week instead of every week.

This is to enable you to have time to read the post and respond if you would like. I would love to hear from you.

Email me any questions in relation to my posts or recipes. My vision for this blog was for it to be somewhat interactive as well as informative. If I write about a topic that you would like to know more about, let me know.

I have also created a Recipe page where I have copied across all of the recipes so far. If I write a post that contains a recipe, I will also copy it to the recipe page.

Live Clean n Prosper has always been about sharing information we have learned or as we learn about it. For this reason, Scott’s studies will continue to be a catalyst for some of my posts. Along the way, we are also learning more about our own health, bodies and diet.

A couple of points that I think are important are;

  • It’s not about finding the ‘right diet, it’s about changing your lifestyle. Short-term diets don’t really last and we don’t learn how to make sustainable change.
  • The trick is to find what suits you and your situation; don’t just follow the latest ‘fad’ in the media. What works for one person, doesn’t always work for someone else.
  • I also think the 85-90% rule is important. Sticking to your meal plans and exercise routines 85 to 90% of the time allows for enjoying the occasional day of binge TV and take away.
  • Most important of all, is finding time to relax and have some ‘me’ time. I learned the hard way many years ago. That not spending enough time to look after you, leads to poor physical and mental health.
  • Last but not least – If you get off track, just make a new goal and start again.

So with that all in mind, here we come 2018!

Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper

Last blog post for 2017

Hi all, just a short post for today.

I started this blog on January 9 this year and to date have written 49 posts (this 1 makes 50). I am quite proud of this achievement.

At first I wasn’t sure if I would be able to find something to write about every week. However, there is so much to learn about health and diet.

Along the way I have learned a lot about how this site works, key words and how to improve my writing style. Every post that I spend time researching has broadened my knowledge.

I hope that along the way I am also helping you to learn more about the different things that affect your health.

I am going to take a break from posting over the Christmas period.

Scott and I wish you all the best over the holidays, may you spend it with people that make you smile.

To my loyal subscribers, I really appreciate your support and will be emailing out a Christmas recipe to you, once I perfect it.

 Until the first post of 2018,

 Live clean n Prosper

Spiced Pumpkin Muffin recipe

Today I’m going to share a muffin recipe.

This morning I was looking through my recipe collection and writing the week’s menu list when I came across this Spiced Pumpkin Muffin recipe.

Every so often, when I am researching something on line, I come across some interesting recipes. There are many gluten free recipes on the Internet and we have found many are lacking in taste or texture.

I had printed this one out ages ago and forgotten about it. The recipe is easy and I had all the ingredients, so I made a batch.

This recipe made 12 small muffins. They are very light in texture, quite yummy and are gluten free. I think you could make a few variations by swapping out the pumpkin for cooked apple or maybe even mashed banana.

 Spiced Pumpkin Muffins

(makes 12 small muffins)


5 eggs

4 tbsp. melted butter or coconut oil

½ cup mashed butternut pumpkin

½ cup Maple syrup or honey

½ cup dextrose or coconut sugar

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

½ tsp. ground allspice

Pinch sea salt

1 tsp. vanilla extract or paste

½ cup sifted coconut flour

½ tsp. baking powder



Preheat your oven to 200’ C and lightly grease a muffin tin.

– Mix the eggs, butter (or oil), pumpkin, maple syrup, dextrose, cinnamon, allspice, salt and vanilla together in a large mixing bowl. I used a stick blender.

– In a separate bowl, mix the baking powder and coconut flour together then add to the batter. Mix well ensuring there are no lumps and the batter is smooth.

– Ladle the batter into the muffin cups.

– Bake for approximately 18 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.


We ate a couple while they were still a bit warm with a little bit of butter, delicious.

I will definitely be making these again. I hope you enjoy them also.


Till the next post,


Live Clean n Prosper.