Things you may not know about Celery.

Today’s post topic is Celery.

Recently a small article in the paper about Celery causing sun sensitivity caught my eye. I had never heard about this phenomenon before.

After some Internet searching, I found out some interesting facts.

In regards to sun sensitivity,

There are actually several foods that we eat on a regular basis could cause sun sensitivity. Compounds found in lime and parsley could cause a bad reaction to the sun.

For some people, just touching a lime and then exposing the skin to the sun, causes a rash.

The same phenomenon can occur after handling celery or parsley. Celery contains a compound called ‘furocoumarin’ which is linked to sun sensitivity.

Studies have been conducted to see how much of this compound a person needs to eat for sun sensitivity to occur. It was concluded that a person would have to consume a significant amount of celery. I guess if you love celery juice you may not want to drink litres of it every day.

 Then there are the health benefits,

There are a number of reasons we should eat celery. All parts of celery including the seeds, roots, and leaves can be used. Many of these a lot of people would be familiar with.

Detoxifies the Body

It acts as an antioxidant. Celery contains phthalides, flavonoids, and polyacetylenes. These components detoxify carcinogens, seek out free radicals floating in the body and neutralize them.

Weight Loss

Celery is very low in calories and is also filling due to its high fibre content. The trick is to ensure you are consuming the fibre in the celery than drinking just the juice. Regular drinking of celery juice before meals may help to reduce your weight. The fibre fills the stomach, therefore reducing the amount you eat.

Boosts Immune System

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, celery greatly boosts the strength of the immune system and makes it more active and efficient.

Less known benefits,

Then there are a bunch of health benefits that I had never heard of before.

Lowers Cholesterol Level

Eating celery every day may reduce artery-clogging cholesterol (called LDL or “bad” cholesterol). The phthalides in celery stimulate the secretion of bile juices, which work to reduce cholesterol levels.

Reduces Blood Pressure

The phthalides, can also lower the level of stress hormones in your blood. This allows your blood vessels to expand, giving your blood more room to move, thereby reducing pressure. It also contains potassium that acts as a vasodilator, reducing blood pressure.

Lowers Arthritis Pain

Celery has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce swelling and pain around the joints. Its also acts as a diuretic, which helps to remove uric acid crystals that build up around the body’s joints that can add to the pain and discomfort. It also increases the regrowth of tissue in inflamed joints

Regulates Fluid Balance

Celery is rich in both sodium and potassium, and both of these minerals help to regulate the fluid balance in the body.

Research has also shown that celery assists with Cancer prevention, reduces Asthma symptoms, improves heart health, relieves migraines and assists in managing diabetic symptoms. Who would have thought it?! (Sources:,


I personally don’t eat much celery. However after this research, I think I will be making more of an effort to eat it regularly.

Till next post,

 Live clean n prosper.

A Seeded Banana Bread recipe

Seeded Banana bread

I have been looking for ideas for morning or afternoon tea. Sometimes a low sugar, low or gluten free cake is an acquired taste. I wanted something that would also appeal to our young nieces and nephew when they visit. So over the past couple of weeks I have been experimenting with different recipes.

The 2 best ones so far, have been Carrot Cake cupcakes and Seeded Banana Bread. The Banana Bread was the stand out winner. It was fairly easy to make, was moist and flavoursome. This recipe is great as there is very little sugar and the seeds add some extra health benefits.

This adapted recipe is from a book called ‘ A Modern Way To Eat’ by Anna Jones.

I did make some small changes to the recipe and it turned out really good. The next time I make it, I will add some more spices and that is how I will share the recipe with you today.

Banana Bread Ingredients

125 g plain flour (I used Kamut, an ancient wheat flour)

100 g Almond meal

25 g Coconut flour

100 g dextrose (or light brown sugar)

30 g Maple syrup

100 g seeds (I used 50 g Sesame & 50 g Golden Flaxseed)

a pinch of salt

1 teasp baking power

2 teasp Cinnamon

1 teasp Nutmeg

3 medium sized ripe bananas

grated zest & juice of 1 lemon

2 tablesp Olive oil

2 tablesp Coconut yoghurt (or natural yoghurt)

2 eggs

½ teasp Vanilla essence/paste


Preheat oven to 200’ C and prepare a 450 g loaf tin.

Put all the dry ingredients (plain flour, Almond meal, Coconut flour, dextrose, salt, baking powder, Cinnamon & nutmeg) into a large bowl and mix well.

Put the bananas into a food processor with the lemon juice and zest, Olive oil, Coconut yoghurt, eggs, Maple syrup and Vanilla.

Give it a quick blitz so the bananas are broken down, and then slowly add the dry ingredients. Don’t over mix; just do enough to ensure it is all well combined.

Pour the mix into your tin and bake for 40 to 50 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.

We found it’s delicious on it’s own and goes really well with a cup of tea or coffee.

However I like a thick slice, warmed in the toaster and then spread with a little butter.

I hope you enjoy this Banana Bread as well.

Till the next post,

Live Clean n Prosper.