A Crunchy Brown Rice Salad recipe

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Hi. This weekend I was able to spend time with treasured friends up at beautiful Peregian Beach on the Queensland Sunshine Coast. The weather was lovely and we had a fabulous couple of days.

It was really great to spend some quality time, relaxing. Life is short and I think that it is essential to take the time to de-stress. It’s even better when you do it by spending time with people who are important to you.

With no research to share this week, I thought I would share another recipe.

I came across this Rice Salad recipe some time ago and adapted it to suit our tastes. I have made it several times for barbeques and parties and it always gets rave reviews.

It is really simple, quite tasty and nutritious.

 Crunchy Rice Salad – serves 4 to 6

3 cups cooked rice, cooled – I like to use a Mountain Blend as it has a nice tasty mix of rice

300 grams of Pumpkin or Sweet Potato (cooked and cut into small pieces)

½ cup chopped Parsley

2 green shallots finely sliced

½ cup finely sliced Snow Peas

½ cup Bean Shoots

1/3 cup toasted Pepitas/Pumpkin seeds

3 tbsp toasted Sunflower seeds


1 clove of garlic crushed

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp soy sauce

2 tbsp lime juice


I like to cut my sweet potato or pumpkin into thick slices and cook them under the grill so it gets a bit of dark caramelisation for added flavour.

While the potato or pumpkin is cooking – put the rice into a large salad and mix the dressing ingredients together in a jug.

Chop the cooked slices into small cubes and put it into the bowl with the rice and other ingredients.

Combine the ingredients gently with a large spoon.

Pour the dressing over the salad and give the salad another mix to incorporate the dressing.


This is great as a side dish or you could even have it as a main meal.


Till the next post,

Live Clean n Prosper


A Breakfast Slice

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I have previously written about smoothies for breakfast and shared my favourite smoothie recipe. However, there are some days when time is short and a takeaway breakfast is ideal. As we are trying not to eat processed foods, I decided to search for an easy, tasty and nutritious option. We are also trying to minimise our wheat intake, so a ‘wheat free’ recipe was preferable.

I found one on Paleo Grubs.com that looked appealing. Then I made a few changes to it to suit our tastes.

It turned out to be quite nice, like banana bread and goes really well with a cuppa.

So I thought I would share the recipe after my changes, (without any health information this time).

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1/2 cup raw macadamias

1/2 cup raw cashews

¼ cup chopped raw macadamias

¼ chopped raw pistachios

1 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut

2 ripe bananas

1 egg

½ tsp baking soda

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp salt

¼ cup no added sugar Orange Marmalade

½ tsp ground ginger

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Preheat the oven to 190 C. Line a 20cm slice pan with baking paper. Place ½ cup macadamias, ½ cup cashews and 1 cup coconut into a food processor. Pulse to break down. Add the bananas, vanilla, egg, cinnamon, baking soda and salt. Blend until the mixture is completely combined. Transfer the mixture to a slice pan and use a spatula to smooth out. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Until the top is golden.

Meanwhile, place the remaining shredded coconut in a fry pan over medium heat. Toast until lightly browned, stirring frequently. Remove from heat. Mix in the remaining chopped macadamias and pistachios.

Mix the ginger in with the marmalade. I warmed the marmalade to make it easier to mix.

Remove the slice pan from the oven and spread a thin layer of jam over the banana base. Sprinkle the toasted coconut and nut mixture over the top and press it into the marmalade with your hands. Bake for an additional 5-10 minutes, or until golden brown. Allow to cool completely before slicing into bars. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving. Best stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

I hope that you enjoy this slice as much as we do. It really is an easy option for a take away breakfast.


Until next post,

Live Clean n Prosper
