Tui Na Massage

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Tui Na Massage

Today I would like to talk about Tui Na Massage.

Until recently, I had never heard of this type of massage, however, after my recent experience. I am a convert.

At the beginning of January I was suffering from a lot of tension headaches and a sore neck. In the past I have tried several different massage treatments for similar issues. This one, however, got the best result after just 1 session.

The massage was a cross between, therapeutic massage and a session with the physiotherapist. The masseuse works on the trigger points with pressure but in a massaging motion at the same time. The headaches have gone and the tension in my neck is disappearing, a great result.

I decided to do a little bit of research into this technique to see if I could understand the principles behind it. Of course I also want to share my findings.

It’s been around for thousands of years.

There is evidence to suggest that massage in Chinese medicine was first practiced over 3,000 years ago. It works on the premise that the human body channels energy, as with Acupuncture. The practitioner is trained to ‘restore the smooth flow of energy’ within the body.

Considering that Tui Na and Acupuncture both work with the body’s energy flow, I have found they work well together as a treatment regime.

Tui Na is both a form of physical bodywork and a subtle energy medicine. As a physical therapy it is used for releasing the ‘channel sinews’, (collectively the muscles, tendons and ligaments) and facilitating the movement of joints. By opening, releasing and balancing the channel sinews, Tui Na is able to treat not only muscular skeletal problems, but also pain and discomfort that are caused by emotional and postural holding patterns that have become unconsciously locked into the body.

Other benefits,

Improved skin metabolism, softening of scars and increased defensive ability of the skin are also benefits of Tui Na manipulations. At the same time, they can enhance the elasticity of the skin and delay its ageing process.

It seems that there are many benefits in having this type of massage therapy.

So, with all of this in mind, I will be ensuring I have regular Tui Na sessions to keep my tension at bay. At the same time slowing down my ageing process.

Until the next post,

Live Clean n Prosper
