Cheesy Cauliflower Curry, a recipe

Today I’m sharing a favourite recipe – Cheesy Cauliflower Curry.

This last week has been so busy with work and other commitments, I’m glad I got back into meal planning. It was really helpful having meal ideas bookmarked, knowing that all the ingredients were in the fridge and pantry.

The original recipe for this dish comes from a book called ‘The Inspired Vegetarian’, that I received from a very dear friend.

We are still endeavouring to eat more of a plant-based diet. So with that in mind, this is an easy recipe to create and is a repeat winner according to Scott. Though not good for anyone on a ‘dairy free’ diet, it is a very tasty dish and quite filling.

As per his suggestion, I am sharing it with you today.

Cheesy Cauliflower Curry

Serves 4


1 medium sized Cauliflower, cut into small florets.

1 medium onion, diced

2 eggs, hard-boiled and chopped

3 tbsp plain, gluten free flour

2 tbsp margarine or butter

1 tsp curry powder (I used 2)

2 cups milk

100 g grated cheese

½ tsp thyme (I used fresh thyme)

1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

2 tbsp of toasted pepitas (or if you prefer – a handful of ‘soup croutons’ )


*Sauté the onion and put aside into an ovenproof dish.

*Steam the cauliflower till just tender. Drain and add to ovenproof dish, mixing with the onion.

*Scatter over chopped egg.

*Put flour, curry powder, butter into a saucepan and mix well.

*Slowly add milk, mixing till the sauce thickens.

*Add chopped herbs and allow to simmer for a minute or two, to allow the flavours to develop.

*Remove from Heat and stir in ¾ of the cheese.

*Pour the sauce over the cauliflower mix and sprinkle with remaining cheese.

*Scatter the pepitas (or croutons) over the top and put the dish in the oven under a hot grill until golden.


We ate this as a main meal, however it would also work well as a side dish.


I hope you enjoy this dish as much as we do.


Till the next post,



Live Clean n Prosper

Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

Today I am sharing a Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes recipe, which is Dairy free and Gluten free. Yes, you read that correctly, chocolate and zucchini.

I came across this recipe on the Internet and I was curious. It is from a site called Paleo grubs. They have some great recipes and this one is awesome.

This is a really sneaky way to get the kids to eat vegetables. Bake them into chocolate cupcakes!

The recipe was shared as bread, however I ladled my mix into cupcake papers instead. I was happy with the result and they are very tasty.

**An update on this – I have made this recipe again as a slice. Using a 20cm square pan. Very successful**

Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

(Makes 12)


2 large eggs

¼ cup maple syrup or honey (I used Maple syrup)

1 cup almond butter

2 tbsp unsweetened almond milk

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

¼ cup cacao powder

1 tsp baking powder

1 cup grated zucchini

2 tbsp dairy free dark chocolate chips (optional)


* Preheat oven to 170’ C – 160’ C for fan forced.

* Prepare your tray with cupcake papers (or choice of pan with parchment paper) and set aside.

* In a small bowl combine the cacao powder and baking powder. Set aside.

* In a large mixing bowl, add the eggs and syrup (or honey) and beat until pale and fluffy, about 4-5 minutes.

* Add the almond butter, almond milk and apple cider vinegar and beat to combine.

* Add the cacao powder mixture and mix until well combined.

* Fold in the grated zucchini.

* Pour the batter into the cupcake paper (or prepared pan).

* Sprinkle with chocolate chips.

* Bake for 30 – 35 mins for cupcakes (35-45 minutes for a slice or loaf tin) *       Test with a toothpick, when inserted into the centre comes out clean.

* Remove from the oven and let cool before eating.

We hope you enjoy this recipe.


Till the next time,

Live clean n Prospe

The Gut – Brain Connection

Today’s post is about the Gut – Brain connection.

Last week I read an article about studies in the UK and Australia, which found that eating fruit and vegetables makes people happy.

The U.K. study of 45,000 people concluded that eating fruit and vegetables several times a week, generated an increase in life satisfaction.

The Australian study consisted of more than 7000 people. It found a link between a diagnosis of depression and the minimal consumption of fruit and vegetables.

The reason behind these results is the gut microbiome.

I have previously written about different aspects of our gut microbiome in relation to our health. (Red wine and Gut health, Gut health and Strawberries, Smoothies)

Today I will write about the gut connection with the brain and how that can impact on our health. Scott is currently studying this particular subject at the moment, so I have lots of research material at my disposal.

About the microbiome

The human gut microbiome contains resident microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. These have an important role in nutrient and mineral absorption. In synthesis of enzymes, vitamins and amino acids, and production of short-chain fatty acids. They assist with energy extraction from diet, with metabolism and help control local inflammation.

Several studies have shown that the intestinal microbiome are integral in modulating the risk of several chronic diseases.

At the same time, it is now understood that diet plays a significant role in shaping the microbiome. Experimental studies showing an acute change in diet can induce temporary changes within 24 hrs.

These recorded benefits have led to further study in the ability to modify the gut microbiota through diet.

The brain connection

Our brain, being the major part of our body’s central nervous system is always in communication with the gastrointestinal tract, or gut. There is mounting data that gut microbiota is the source of a number of substances which affect regions of the brain.

These regions are involved in the control of emotions, cognition and physical activity.

On the flip side, studies also suggest that overwhelming systemic stress and inflammation can also produce acute changes in the microbiome.

All of this research is telling us that the brain and the gut have a very interdependent relationship.

and then diet…

Studies as early as 1977 showed that diet could effect the composition of the gut microbiome. Since then, hundreds of different studies and experiments have been conducted in this field.

Several diets, including Western, gluten-free, omnivore, vegetarian, vegan and Mediterranean, have been studied for their ability to modulate the gut microbiota.

Across the spectrum of studies, the Mediterranean diet is highly regarded as a healthy balanced diet. Most notable is the high intake of fibre and low glycemic carbohydrates. There is also a relatively greater vegetable intake than animal protein. These are important factors in keeping the gut microbiota balanced, which is critical for a healthy immune system.

The close relationship between diet, the gut microbiome and health, shows how we may improve our overall health by modulating our diet.

Already the gut microbiome has been found to influence the response to cancer immunotherapy. Alterations of gut microbiota have also been associated with treating mood and depressive disorders.

So the takeaway from this research is – eat fruit and vegetables regularly to maintain good gut health and good mental health.

Till the next post,

Live clean n prosper