The many virtues of Mushrooms

Today I’m going to continue to write about Mushrooms.

Researching last weeks post shed some light on the other great virtues of this vegetable (or fungus).

Mushrooms are fat free,

They are also low in calories, cholesterol free, have very low levels of sugar and salt; they provide a valuable source of dietary fibre, as well as several vitamins and minerals.

A 100g serving of mushrooms contains more dietary fibre (2.5g) than 100g of celery (1.8g) or a slice of wholemeal bread (2.0g).

Apart from containing Vitamin D, mushrooms also contain:

  • Thiamin/Vitamin B1 – which controls the release of energy from carbohydrate, which is needed for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  • Riboflavin/Vitamin B2 – a vitamin that helps to maintain healthy red blood cells and promotes good vision and healthy skin.
  • Niacin/Vitamin B3 – helps to control the release of energy from protein, fat and carbohydrate, which keeps the body’s digestive and nervous systems in good shape.
  • Vitamin B5 – plays a number of essential metabolic roles in the human body, including providing assistance with the production of hormones.
  • Folate/Vitamin B9 – which is essential for the formation of red and white blood cells in bone marrow and is an important factor in healthy growth and development.
  • Biotin/Vitamin H – Is essential in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.

Although these vitamins are also found in many vegetables, they are lost when cooked in boiling water: as mushrooms are rarely prepared with boiling water, they retain their valuable vitamin content when eaten.

Minerals as well,

Mushrooms also contain many beneficial minerals, such as Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium and Ergothioniene (a naturally occurring antioxidant).

Recent research also found that most mushrooms [White Buttons and Cups, Brown Portabellos, and the exotic cultivated Shiitakes and Enoki mushrooms] are rich in the non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) chitin and beta-gluten. These NSP can help to reduce blood cholesterol and protect against heart disease.

Stuffed Mushroom Recipe

After writing the last post, I found a great Stuffed Mushroom recipe.

I have tried to cook different versions of ‘stuffed mushrooms’ in the past and the results have been average.

This one (originally from with some small changes was great.

Easy to make and very tasty.


8 Portobello (or large flat) mushrooms

50g unsalted butter

2 tbs extra virgin olive oil

1 onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

12 sage leaves, finely chopped

125g fresh breadcrumbs

200g Camembert cheese (or brie), rind removed, chopped

1 egg, beaten

Juice of 1 lemon


 1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Place mushrooms on a paper-lined baking tray.

2. Heat a frypan over medium heat. Add butter, oil, onion, garlic and sage, and cook gently for five minutes until softened. Transfer to a large bowl.

3. Add breadcrumbs to the onion mixture and stir to combine.

4. Add the egg and half the cheese. Combine well, then spoon generously into the mushrooms. Top with remaining cheese.

5. Place mushrooms in the oven and roast for 15-20 minutes until golden on top.

6. Arrange mushrooms onto serving dishes and drizzle with lemon juice.


I hope you enjoy this also.


Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper.

Our Home Grown Vegetables

Today I decided to write about vegetables, to be specific, our home-grown vegetables.

A couple of years ago Scott created a vegetable garden in a neglected garden bed along our fence line. Once the plants got established, we have enjoyed lovely home-grown, chemical free, vegetables.

How successfully….

Scott has tried growing several different things, some with success, some not so successful.

We have had success with Heirloom Carrots. The first time we harvested some we were quite surprised at the variety or colours that we had. Apart from the common orange, we had yellow, red, white & purple carrots, they really add colour to the plate. We continue to plant these seeds so that we always have some carrots.

Sweet potatoes have been a challenge. We planted 2 varieties, the common ‘Gold’ and the less common ‘Hawaiian’ sweet potato. The plants were quite large and healthy, but the crop was small. Hopefully next time around the results will be better.

Scott has had some great success with growing zucchini. We have had some large enough to stuff and roast.

We have not had success with growing cauliflower. As we don’t use any chemicals on our garden, our cauliflower plants were attacked by bugs and died.

At the beginning of winter Scott planted Purple Sprouting Broccoli seedlings and this week we harvested the last head of broccoli. It was quite large and really purple. It is also quite good for us.

A bit about the Broccoli,

There are differences in the nutritional values of green and purple broccoli.

The purple broccoli has higher levels of vitamin C, folate, iron, calcium, isotonic, glucolin, and anthocyanins.

Purple sprouting broccoli also contains the phyto chemicals ulphoraphane (thought to help prevent cancer) and may provide resistance against heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes. Overall, purple sprouting broccoli was found to contain higher contents of antioxidant compounds than green broccoli.

After cooking, the purple sprouting broccoli retains higher levels of antioxidant. (Sources; ;

We have also had a pumpkin vine growing in our garden. It is growing quite well, taking up lots of space, and we have been looking forward to harvesting some pumpkins. However, we are not having much success.

The pumpkins are forming but don’t mature.

Scott was ready to pull up the plant. He spoke to one of his Uni lecturers who advised that the little immature pumpkins were quite good steamed.

We have since tried steaming them and they taste like button squash. So, I guess the pumpkin vine isn’t a complete failure. We are continuing to harvest the tiny pumpkins and are also going to try roasting them.

All in all, our garden is providing us with some lovely, chemical free, whole foods. By trying to grow different varieties, we eat a more varied diet.

Till the next post,


Live Clean n Prosper

Menu planning has its advantages

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So today I’m going to write about menu planning.

Towards the beginning of this month, I wrote about memory loss. I shared that I found the use of a calendar, a diary and my phone calendar essential.

Well, I have also found menu planning very useful. We have been a bit slack over the last month or two, so I decided to get back to it. On Saturday morning, drinking a cup of coffee, with a few of my favorite recipe books.

Menu planning, in our view, has many advantages.

Using my recipe books to choose the meals, we find we eat a wider variety of meals.

Without a menu, we found we tended to eat the same types of meals every week.

There are many books available with recipes for quick, easy, healthy meals. I find it inspiring to look through them and get ideas for an interesting dinner.

When creating the menu, I don’t choose what we eat on what day. Instead we found that creating a list of 6 different meals works best. This leaves 1 evening open for dinner out or with friends.

I bookmark the recipe books, so that either one of us can make a start on the evening meal. I’m lucky in the fact that Scott also enjoys cooking.

Planning the week’s meals means that we buy less groceries.

No more buying something that we ‘might’ use and have it sit in the pantry for weeks, or go bad in the fridge. We only buy what is required for the recipes on the list. Usually we manage to choose meals for the week that have some common ingredients.

Doing the weekly shop this way actually saves us money. As our food is always fresh and we buy very little foodstuffs in boxes.

My favourite Recipe book at the moment is a vegetarian one called ‘A Modern Way to Eat’.

So this week’s menu is full of interesting, tasty meals, mostly vegetable based.

Looking forward to some tasty dinners.

Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper.
